Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Novemeber!

I cannot believe it is already Novemember, this school year is going by very quickly! Today was the coldest it has been so far and I got to wear my favorite LL Bean Norwegian sweater to walk to class. I found the identical one still on their website, well except mine is in black.

I was a ballerina for Halloween. I got my tutu from American Apparel, and totally loved it! It was fun seeing everyone dressed up in costumes. I hope all of you had good weekends as well.

Also, today I was looking through the Neiman's Christmas Book and found this adorable EDIBLE playhouse made by Dylan's Candy Bar. Too bad it is $15,000. One can dream right? Looking at it makes me sooo excited for Christmas, even though it isn't even Thanksgiving yet.


  1. I want that Gingerbread house!!!! I love your costume too!

  2. What a cute costume!
    $15,000 for a gingerbread house... one day perhaps haha

  3. I have a couple of those L.L. Bean sweaters! Love your costume! :)

  4. Precious Halloween costume!! That playhouse is DIVINE. Kids today have all the extravagant stuff we never had! ;)

  5. Love your costume! That playhouse is incredible!

  6. The ballerina costume is so beautiful! I love how it's so appropriate!I would love for you to subscribe and offer any comments/pieces of advice for my new blog! It's all about "Becoming Preppy". How preppy is all about pink & green, confidence, elegance, and style!
